Acrylic Cleaning & Mounting Solutions
These specially formulated Acrylic Cleaners are made for acrylic and keep that beautiful, crystal clear finish.
Do not use Ammonia based cleaners as they will cause "crazing" on your displays. Only use these specific cleaners.
Minimum order: $200 Sales to Businesses only.
Novus 1 Spray Cleaner
Novus 2 Fine Scratch & Cleaning Paste
Novus 3 Heavy Duty Scratch & Cleaning Paste
POL6 Disposable Polishing Cloths
How to Care for Acrylic
For more Acrylic Displayers, click on any of these categories:
Acrylic Cleaners
Apparel Displayers
Cosmetic Displayers
Countertop Displays
Display Bases & Blocks
Egg & Sphere Displays
Eyewear Displays
Food and Bulk Dispensers
Jewelry Displays
Light Bases & Turntables
Literature & Card Holders
Mineral, Fossil & Seashell Displays
Ornament & Specialty Displays
Shoe Displayers
Showcases & Floor Fixtures
Slatwall Fixtures
Novus 1
This spray cleans without scratching or "crazing," and helps to repel dust by decreasing static.
Ideal for use on Acrylic and Polycarbonate (a tough plastic material) such as Lexan, Tuffak or Cyrolon.
Great for Bullet-resistant glass on the Polycarbonate side.
item# NOV1 8 oz. Bottle
Novus 2
This paste can help remove fine scratches, haziness, and abrasions from most acrylics and plastics.
Ideal for use on Acrylic and Polycarbonate (a tough plastic material) such as Lexan, Tuffak or Cyrolon.
Great for Bullet-resistant glass on the Polycarbonate side.
item# NOV2 8 oz. Bottle
Novus 3
Order this paste with Novus 2. This paste removes heavy scratches and abrasions from most Acrylic and Plastic materials
such as Polycarbonate (a tough plastic material) known by the brand names of Lexan, Tuffak or Cyrolon.
Note: This paste requires use of Novus 2 for a final finish.
item# NOV3 8 oz. Bottle
Craftics® 20/20 Cleaner
This cleaner is specially formulated for acrylic and hard plastic surfaces to clean without scratching, hazing or
harming the surface. Craftics 20/20/ cleaner is anti-static to resist fingerprints and dust.
20/20 Cleaner has been tested in accordance with the Good Laboratory Practice Standards as described by the FDA (21 CFR Part 58)
and is certified to be non-toxic, not a skin irritant and not an eye irritant.
item# CLE1 8oz. bottle.
POL3 Pack of 3
POL6 Pack of 6
Polish Mates disposable cloths are low lint, abrasion resistant and durable.
They are made especially for cleaning acrylic and hard plastic surfaces.
- To keep dust away wipe acrylic on a daily basis with a soft cloth.
- To maintain a clear luster use a soft cloth or our "polish mates".
- Store acrylic displayers using soft fabrics or plain white paper in between each layer of displayers to keep them from scratching.
- Don't use abrasives or bottled cleaners that have alcohol or ammonia as they can dull the clear finish.
- Don't use paper towels to clean Acrylic as it will scratch the surface.
- Our Acrylic Cleaners are specifically formulated to keep a crystal clear finish and in some cases resist dust!